The sim_reg
performs inference under the ‘Similarity regression’ model [1]
conditional on supplied binary genotypes and ontological term sets.
The vignette ‘Similarity Regression - Introduction’ shows a simple
application based on simulated data. This vignette demonstrates how to
set the prior on phi
, for example in order to include prior
information about likely phenotype of a disease. The information is
supplied to the inference procedure as a parameter called
and should be a numeric vector of relative
weights for terms included in the sample space of phi
default the set of all terms present amongst the terms in x
and their ancestors).
# only use terms which are descended from HP:0000001
pa_descs <- intersection_with_descendants(hpo, "HP:0000001", hpo$id)
hpo <- lapply(hpo, "[", pa_descs)
class(hpo) <- "ontology_index"
terms <- get_ancestors(hpo, c(hpo$id[match(c("Abnormality of thrombocytes","Hearing abnormality"),
hpo$name)], intersection_with_descendants(hpo, "HP:0000118", sample(hpo$id[!hpo$obsolete], size=50))))
To help illustrate the ideas, we’ll consider a scenario where there is some evidence for an association between a phenotype - which in this example we’ll set as ‘Hearing abnormality’ - and a binary genotype, and where there is also a prior expectation that the ‘characteristic phenotype’ of the genotype would involve hearing abnormality. For instance, the genotype might depend on variants in a gene orthologous to one known to harbour variants associated with ‘Hearing abnormality’ in a model organism. We apply the inference procedure to the data with and without the prior and observe the effect on the inferred probability of association.
hearing_abnormality <- hpo$id[match("Hearing abnormality", hpo$name)]
genotypes <- c(rep(TRUE, 2), rep(FALSE, 98))
#give all subjects 5 random terms and add 'hearing abnormality' for those with y_i=TRUE
phenotypes <- lapply(genotypes, function(y_i) minimal_set(hpo, c(
if (y_i) hearing_abnormality else character(0), sample(terms, size=5))))
So there are three cases with the rare variant (i.e. having y_i = TRUE) and all of them have the ‘Hearing abnormality’ HPO term.
An application of yields:
## Probability of association: 0.23
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Name p
## Hearing abnormality 0.36
## Abnormal ear physiology 0.31
## Abnormality of the ear 0.30
## Champagne cork sign 0.25
## Abnormal fetal skeletal morphology 0.23
## Abnormal fetal morphology 0.17
## Fetal anomaly 0.16
## Abnormality of prenatal development or birth 0.11
## Abnormality of the musculoskeletal system 0.00
## Abnormal axial skeleton morphology 0.00
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We now consider constructing the term_weights
to capture our knowledge about the gene from the model organism. We can
either explicitly create the term_weights
vector of prior
weights, i.e. by assigning higher weights to terms which involve some
kind of hearing problem. For example, we could set the prior weight of
all terms which have the word ‘hearing’ in to ten times that of terms
which don’t.
term_weights <- ifelse(grepl(x=hpo$name, ignore=TRUE, pattern="hearing"), 10, 1)
names(term_weights) <- hpo$id
Note: one must set the names
of the
vector, as sim_reg
will use
If the prior knowledge of the phenotype/phenotype of the model
organism has been ontologically encoded (for example, it may be
available as MPO terms from the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) website,, [2]), another option
is to use a phenotypic similarity function to obtain the numeric vector
of weights for inclusion of terms in phi
[1]. This may be
more convenient, particularly when dealing with large numbers of genes.
In the SimReg paper [1], the vector is set using the Resnik-based [3]
similarities of terms to the terms in the ‘literature phenotype’. In
order to calculate the similarities based on Resnik’s similarity
measure, we must first compute an ‘information content’ for the terms,
equal to the negative log frequency. The frequencies can be calculated
with respect to different collections of phenotypes. Here, we will
calculate it with respect to the frequencies of terms within our
collection, phenotypes
, by calling the function exported by
the ontologyIndex
. Note, it could also be calculated
with respect to the frequency of the term amongst the ontological
annotation of OMIM diseases (available from the HPO website, [4]). The
function get_term_set_to_term_sims
in the package
can then be used to calculate the
similarities between the terms in the sample space of phi
and the literature_phenotype
. It calculates a matrix of
similarities between the individual terms in the literature phenotype
and terms in the sample space. Let’s say the phenotype of the model
organism in our example contains abnormalities of the thrombocytes and
hearing abnormality.
thrombocytes <- hpo$id[match("Abnormality of thrombocytes", hpo$name)]
literature_phenotype <- c(hearing_abnormality, thrombocytes)
info <- get_term_info_content(hpo, phenotypes)
term_weights_resnik <- apply(get_term_set_to_term_sims(
ontology=hpo, information_content=info, terms=names(info),
term_sim_method="resnik", term_sets=list(literature_phenotype)), 2, mean)
This can then be passed to sim_reg
through the
## Probability of association: 0.39
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Name p
## Hearing abnormality 0.40
## Abnormal ear physiology 0.31
## Abnormality of the ear 0.28
## Champagne cork sign 0.22
## Abnormal fetal skeletal morphology 0.21
## Abnormal fetal morphology 0.15
## Fetal anomaly 0.15
## Abnormality of prenatal development or birth 0.10
## Abnormality of the musculoskeletal system 0.00
## Abnormality of the skeletal system 0.00
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note that including the term_weights
parameter has
increased the mean posterior value of gamma
Often the binary genotype relates to a particular gene, and for many
genes ontologically encoded phenotypes are available either in the form
of HPO encoded OMIM annotations [4] or MPO annotations [2]. For a given
set of subjects with HPO-coded phenotypes, it may be useful to apply the
inference gene-by-gene, taking the binary genotype y
indicate the presence of a rare variant in each particular gene for each
case. Thus, we may wish to systematically create informative prior
distributions for phi
for all genes. This can be done by
downloading the file called
‘ALL_SOURCES_TYPICAL_FEATURES_genes_to_phenotype.txt’ from the HPO
website, and running the following code yielding a list of term sets
(i.e. character vectors of HPO term IDs).
annotation_df <- read.table(header=FALSE, skip=1, sep="\t",
file="ALL_SOURCES_TYPICAL_FEATURES_genes_to_phenotype.txt", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, quote="")
hpo_by_gene <- lapply(split(f=annotation_df[,2], x=annotation_df[,4]),
function(trms) minimal_set(hpo, intersect(trms, hpo$id)))